
What are Eyebags?
As we age, the muscles and the supportive tissues around the eye weaken and are not able to hold up the skin as tightly. This allows existing fat under the eyes to protrude outwards, medically known as heration of the infraorbital fat pads. As well, the skin around the eyes is thinner than the rest of the body, making it more prone to aging and damage.
Causes of Eyebags
Fluid retention (can be due to excessive salt intake or after waking up)
Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep
Stress/environmental sensitivities
Genetics (under-eye bags and dark circles can run in families)
Other medical conditions
What are the different types of Eyebags?
Puffy Eyebags: These are characterized by swollen and fluid-filled areas under the eyes, often caused by factors like aging, genetics, fluid retention, and lifestyle habits.
Dark Circles: Dark discoloration or pigmentation under the eyes can create the appearance of shadows, making the area seem sunken and contributing to the perception of eyebags.
Tear Trough Hollows: Tear troughs are depressions between the lower eyelid and upper cheek. These hollows can create a shadowed effect and make the under-eye area appear more sunken and tired.
Malar Festoons: These are larger, bag-like swellings that extend from the lower eyelid to the upper cheek. They can be caused by a combination of factors, including genetics, aging, and sun damage.
Under-Eye Wrinkles: Fine lines and wrinkles can form under the eyes, contributing to the appearance of puffiness and aging.
Bulging Eyebags: These are more pronounced, often caused by fat herniation—when the fat that cushions the eyes pushes forward and creates a noticeable bulge.
Allergic Shiners: Dark, swollen areas under the eyes due to allergic reactions, often accompanied by other symptoms like itching, redness, and sneezing.
Eyelid Festoons: Festoons are larger and more pronounced than typical eyebags, extending beyond the lower eyelid and often associated with excess skin, fluid retention, and sun exposure.
Chemosis: Swelling of the conjunctiva—the clear layer covering the eyeball and inner eyelids—can lead to a swollen and puffy appearance around the eyes.
Under-Eye Fat Loss: As a result of aging and loss of facial fat, the skin under the eyes can appear hollow and sunken, contributing to the perception of eyebags.
Treatment Aims for Eyebags
The treatment aims for eyebags typically focus on reducing puffiness, minimizing dark circles, and restoring a more youthful and refreshed appearance to the under-eye area.
In Fundamental Aesthetic Medical clinic, our first choice of treatment is HIFU eyebags.
Being non-invasive and minimal downtime, it can reduce eyebags significantly. The shallower MF2 transducer is appropriate for thinner skin such as under the eyes, it can also reduce the volume of undereye fats. Numbing cream will be applied for your comfort. The number of shots will be decided by your medical
Secondly, through tear trough filler. Many people, including those with eyebags, also present with tear trough deformity. Tear trough derformity is a depression running from the medial canthus along the inferior orbital rim, usually arising from the descent of the suborbicularis oculi fat (SOOF) and malar fat pad. Tear trough filler requires high skill and should be done by an experienced medical practitioner. It is always better to underfill rather than overfill. When done appropriately, it will fill up the tear trough deformity and sometimes reduce the appearance of eyebags.
Lastly, Rejuran I can be used for treating the eye area. It helps to improve fine lines around the eyes,
Crows feet and rejuvenate the periorbital area.